The Bark Returns to Canterbury Park

Fireworks, camels, ostriches and dogs, lots of dogs, added to promotional schedule

Horse racing at Canterbury Park continued in 2020 despite the coronavirus pandemic. The race meet was shortened and capacity was limited to 750 spectators but horse racing persevered. Lost were the promotional activities that enhance a day of horse races and boost attendance to 15,000 or more, events like Corgi Dog races, Extreme Day and the July 3 Fireworks Spectacular. Those events, now possible with the loosening of restrictions, are returning to Canterbury in 2021. The 65-day race meet began May 18 and runs through Sept. 16.

Canterbury Park announced today its July, August and September promotional calendar featuring many of the most popular events from past years. “The racing season is off to a very good start but I am still asked all the time when the corgis are back or if there will be fireworks,” Vice President of Marketing John Groen said. “I am pleased that I can now give a definitive yes to those questions and provide dates.”

Many of Canterbury Park’s promotions will align with Sunday’s 1 p.m. Pepsi Family Day race card.  Canterbury Park also races Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m., July 3 at 4 p.m. and Labor Day at 1 p.m.

Canterbury officials have determined self-imposed capacity limits will be placed on each event in order to provide the best customer experience possible.  In order to accommodate the expected crowds, each breed of dog, corgi, basset and wiener dog, will have two days of racing, with capacity initially limited to 10,000 each day. The fastest dogs of each breed return for the Best In Show on Sept. 6.

“We’re excited about our Dog Days of Summer races kicking off the first Sunday in August, but understand that many of our fans are still getting comfortable being around crowds again. We encourage fans to buy tickets in advance for our biggest promotional days as we do anticipate selling out certain events, something we haven’t done in the past,” Groen said.

A $2 discount is offered for purchasing tickets in advance online. Dog owners wishing to enter their canine can do so now HERE . The number of entries received in past years has led to a lottery system to determine participants.

Promotional Schedule

Fireworks Spectacular – July 3

Extreme Day with camel, ostrich and zebra racing – July 11

Unicorn and Llama racing – July 18

Corgi Dog racing – August 1 and 22

Basset Hound racing – August 8 and 29

Wiener Dog racing – August 15 and September 5

Indian Horse Relay – August 24 – 26

Best In Show Dog Races – September 6

Horsepower Giveaway – September 8

July racing tickets go on sale Monday, June 14. August and September tickets go on sale Monday, July 12.

Weekly Post Times & Events

TuesdaysTwo for One Night, 5PM

Wednesdays – $5 Featured Craft Beer Night, 5PM

ThursdaysLive Music + Live Racing, 5PM

Sundays Pepsi Family Days, 1PM