Canterbury Park 2023 Racing Dates Approved by Minnesota Racing Commission

54-day Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse meet to run May 27 through Sept. 16

Canterbury Park’s request for a 54-day 2023 thoroughbred and quarter horse racing season, Saturday, May 27 through Saturday, Sept. 16, was unanimously approved today by the Minnesota Racing Commission. Four days of racing per week will be conducted from July 12 through August 20 with racing on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday beginning at 5 p.m. central and Sunday at 1 p.m. Three-day weeks will begin and end the season with Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday racing. Racing will also be conducted on three Mondays: Memorial Day, July 3 and Labor Day.

The 54-day season and an average daily purse distribution of $220,000 including both thoroughbred and quarter horse purses were agreed upon by track management and the Minnesota HBPA which represents thoroughbred racehorse owners and trainers.

Randy Sampson

“In 2023 we have a schedule that I am confident will be successful based on available purse money and race-ready horses that will be at Canterbury throughout the summer season,” Canterbury Park CEO Randy Sampson said.

“Canterbury Park and the Minnesota HBPA have worked successfully during challenging times to create a racing program that provides opportunities to horse owners and breeders while also becoming increasingly popular with the wagering public,” Sampson said. “We are investing significant dollars in our racing infrastructure including new barns, dormitories to house staff and safety enhancements as we plan for the future of horse racing in Minnesota.”

A new 100-stall barn is under construction while nine smaller barns built in 1985 are scheduled for demolition as the result of a land sale making way for an outdoor amphitheater. Other improvements include a reconfiguring of the training track, construction of a 34-room dormitory and complete replacement of main track and paddock lighting.

The 2023 stakes schedule along with the first condition book will be available in early January. Stall applications will be available in March and are due April 13. The stable area will open for arrivals May 5 with training on the main track and training track beginning May 8.

The Minnesota Racing Commission is a nine-member panel appointed by the state’s governor tasked with overseeing the integrity and safety of horse racing at Minnesota’s two pari-mutuel racetracks.

Canterbury Park’s 24/7 casino and simulcast racebook remain open daily.